My 01AI – Advanced Innovation & Artificial Intelligence ApS corporation makes DKK 26M in turnover with DKK 5.6M in profits after taxes, mostly from software for vehicles, spending most of turnover on sustainable and long-term..Accounting on

My 01AI – Advanced Innovation & Artificial Intelligence ApS corporation makes DKK 26M in turnover with DKK 5.6M in profits after taxes, mostly from software for vehicles, spending most of turnover on sustainable and long-term..Accounting on
Provided humanoid EEG-controlled robot for quadriplegic boy.
True Cousins’ TC-9 electric drag racer gains their first world record (of many!) – my organizations provided partial knowledge, equipment and capital.
Partook in 2045 Initiative‘s launch in New York.
Still working as consultant for Danish Railroads, reducing DSB First disaster and getting recommendation from the administrative director, Gert Frost.
Initiated research on Emergency Asteroid Defence Project (EADP), together with NASA and ESA.
Our EV200 electric car on World Electric Tour goes 300 km on rural roads on a single charge of the 34 kWh battery, with 15% battery left (so 30 kWh used = 0.1 kWh/km).
The container with ‘Green’ from New York is received in Spain.
EV200 ‘Green’ is presented at Detroit Motorshow 2011.
‘Green’ from Electric World Tour has reached San Francisco.
‘Green’ is put into the ocean transport container from Shanghai.
World Electric Tour is centerpiece at EXPO2010 in Shanghai.